How to maintain a healthy Windows System
2007.05.13. 06:49
Originally written by Nighthawk-F117 of forums
Basic Solutions
Defragment Very simple solution, defragment your Hard Drive. This simply rearranges the files in your hard drive into a logical order, meaning your computer will spend less time looking for the files. A simple diagram can be found here. To do this, follow the instructions shown in this picture, then highlight the selected drive, and click "Defragment". If you have a program like Norton System Works, it has an excellent third Party Disk Defragmenter, along with a load of helpful computer applications. NORTON EATS SYSTEM RESOURCES
Disk Cleanup This simple program included with Windows deletes ( / compresses) some unused/unnecessary system files, such as:
- Downloaded Program Files
- Temporary Internet Files
- Offline Web Pages
- Office Set Up Files (If you have it)
- Recycle Bin
- Temporary Files
- WebClient/Publisher Temporary Files
- Compress old files
- Catalog files for the Content Indexer
To use this, follow the steps in this picture. Select the drive, if you have more than one (or of you have several partitions). Then select the options to cleanup, and then press "OK".
MSconfig - Only for more advanced users This is another handy function Microsoft has hidden in Windows. It allows you, among other things to choose which programs load in the taskbar at start-up. To use, follow these two pictures: One Two Then, untick the things you don't want to start when your system does.
Disable Un-needed Services - Only for more advanced users I've decided, I was going to make a guide about disabling unneeded services, but I have now decided that it is too big a topic for me to do. So here is the best guide I can find on how to do so. Black Viper's Guide to Disabling Services
Add/Remove Unused Programs If you installed a program to try it, and didn't like it. UNINSTALL it, why keep it lying around in your Hard Drive? Or if a program doesn't work, uninstall it. Or if you just plain don't use it for any reason, uninstall it.
Third Party Solutions
RegCleaner This great program searches your registry for un-needed registry entries and deletes them. (It also makes a back up, before you start). Download here. Once installed you need to allow it to clean the registry automatically; to do this select "Options" > "Registry Cleanup"> "Method" then select "Automatic". To then clean the registry select the "Tools" option > "Registry Cleanup" and then "Do them All".
Lavalys EVEREST This handy program allows you to see all your computer information in one centralised place. It also provides links to Manufacturers websites, and links to Driver Update pages. Lavalys's Homepage. Download here.
Mozilla Firefox A safer Internet browser than Internet Explorer and uses less Memory (RAM). And has other useful functions, such as built in Google search bar, tabs, and NO pop-ups at all. Mozilla's Homepage. Download here. NEVER Uninstall Internet Explorer, you need it for running Windows Update.
Cerulean Studio's Trillian This IM client integrates MSN, ICQ, AIM, YIM and IRC. So you don't have to have 5 programs open at once eating up your ram. Cerulean Studios's Homepage. Download here.
Virus/Trojan/Adware/Spyware Problem All of the above can slow your computer down and your internet connection. So, make sure you have a firewall, and also antivirus which are kept upto date.
Microsoft® Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) Newly released AntiSpyware program for Microsoft. Seems excellent, and if you keep it running in the background it queries most suspicious activities. Up to you whether you keep it running in the background, but definitely download, install and run a scan every so often. Download here.
Ad-Aware Second Edition A great, free Spy/Ad ware solution. Detects and deletes most Spy/Ad ware. Free definition updates. Second Edition. Download here.
Spy Sweeper A great, free Spy/Ad ware solution. Detects and deletes most Spy/Ad ware. You need to pay to get definition updates. Download here.
Spybot - Search & Destroy A great, free Spy/Ad ware solution. Detects and deletes most Spy/Ad ware. Free definition updates. It finds the same as Ad-Aware, if not more. Download here.
Spyware Blaster This great program stops spyware and adware before it even hits. It protects you against ActiveX programs, cookies and much more. Read here for more info. Download here.
NOTE: I use all four of the above. So that if one program misses something, the other three are bound to pick it up.
ZoneAlarm An excellent, free firewall by ZoneLabs. Download here.
AVG AntiVirus Great free AntiVirus protection from Grisoft. Download here.
NOTE: I myself use Norton Internet Security 2005 with Norton AntiVirus Professional 2005.
Windows Update Although this will not speed your PC up, it will keep it safe, run Windows Update Windows XP SP2 Info coming soon. Note: Soon to be superseded by Microsoft Update
Office Update Although this will not speed your PC up, it will keep it safe, run Office Update regularly. (Only useable in Internet Explorer) Note: Soon to be superseded by Microsoft Update
For more PC security advice, check this excellent post by qUiCkSiLvEr.
RAM - Random Access Memory Your computer needs this stuff, and the more the better. Any 32bit CPU (Intel Pentium 4, 3, Celeron. AMD Athlon XP, Barton, Sempron) can take 4096MB or 4GB of RAM. A 64bit CPU (AMD Athlon 64, Opteron) can handle hundreds of GB of RAM, but the ammount a certain system can take is limited by the motherboard and chipset. One simple solution to speed your PC up, is to buy more RAM for it. Just check what speed of RAM your Motherboard and CPU can take, and what the maximum amount of RAM your computer will make use of.
Solution = Buy more RAM The cheapest places to buy RAM, that I know are: - USA Only eBuyer - USA (Maybe Canada) and the UK (maybe mainland Europe) Overclock - UK & Ireland
Conclusion Hope all this helps. And if you have any other solutions, tell me, and I'll add them to the post. But I think I've covered most of it. One last thing is, there are only so many things you can do. There is no good replacement for good computer hardware.
Copyright © Nighthawk-F117 2005 regularly. (Only useable in Internet Explorer)
