2007.05.13. 07:57
- What is Linux?
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Linux is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system, that runs on many platforms, including Intel processors, Motorola and DEC Alphas. It interoperates well with other operating systems, like Apple, Microsoft and Novell. AND it is freely available... as well as the binaries as the source code, in different distrubutions.
Linux includes true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, TCP/IP networking, and other features consistent with Unix-type systems.
- A short history....
- Linus Thorvalds
Who is he? Born in Finland, Europe:
"In Finland, the worth of a person isn't measured in dollars," he says. (Linus compliments his country, burns Bill Gates and makes himself look good, all in one sentence. I'm impressed.)
Making Linux work better is nearly a full-time hobby for Torvalds, taking up at least a couple of hours a day.
"It's the best kind of hobby. It's a passion. Other people build the Eiffel Tower out of matchsticks."
Before long, the computer and math became Torvalds' passion. He rejected his father's efforts to get him interested in basketball or other activities. "I was never very good," Torvalds says.
"He once said that he won't eat sweets. I promised him 100 Finnish marks if he kept that for a year," Nils [Linus' father] Torvalds says. "He did, but the following day (after the bet), he took the money and bought sweets for the whole sum."
That same attitude helps explain why Torvalds is so eager to counterbalance Microsoft's dominance. He wants computer users to have a choice among several operating systems, not just one from Microsoft. "I'm not rabid anti-Microsoft," he says. "But they make it so hard to compete."
His father seems proud as he compares his son's creation of a free computer operating system to political philosopher Thomas Paine in the 18th century. Says Nils Torvalds: "Writing Linux in the 20th century could be as big a contribution to this civil society."
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