There are many different types of hunters. Here is a basic list of them.
Vengeance- Basically the one you see in the movies, he goes out and kills
whatever isn’t human. They don’t normally make deals but can if in a dire need or are
way over-powered. Normally strong and well armed.
Defender- Protect the innocent, and make sure others stay alive. They try to keep
everybody in one piece and will sometimes take sides.
Innocence- The innocent try to be all nice and goody-two shoes. Sometimes it
works. Sometimes it doesn’t. Most of them are looked upon as fools are children by
other hunters (some ever are children).
Judgment- Judges seek to find the right and wrong, the good and bad in
supernatural critters. They can observe them for a very long time, trying to decide their
motivations. They are often seen as hesitant by other hunters, but once they get going and
make a choice they almost always follow through.
Martyrdom- Basically a cross between defender and avenger, a martyr will give up
anything he has to protect others and stop evil.
Redemption- Redeemers try to find the good in all supernatural beings. If they
find the slightest bit of it, they try to manifest it and make it more prevalent. With
patience and time, they can even bring vampires back to humanity (this is rare, but in a
world where men dressed like mad scientists run around warping time, anything is
Visionary- Visionaries seek to understand everything, and are trying to find out
everything there is about all the monsters. They are normally smart, and can make good
Virtues are things that show what the determination of hunting has
gotten for a character. Expl.: mercy, vision and zeal. Conviction & Willpower. Self- sacrifice. Goodness.
It is really worth to practice some introspection to proove the inner values and motivations your virtues are coming from.
It is the exercise for this day, to check out the motivation that hides behind my intentions..hmm..