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My Paintings, Art Gallery : Nick Cave

Nick Cave

  2005.05.23. 02:52

"It was a warm and very ferocious night
The moon full of blood and light
And my eyes grew small and my eyes grew tight
As I plotted in the ear of John Finns' wife..."

-John Finns' Wife






Nick Cave - Singer

Born in Australia in 1957 but more recently a resident of London, England, Nick Cave has for many years written emotive songs about life, love and death.

Early Years

Early works, first with The Birthday Party and later with current band The Bad Seeds, were angry, vitriolic lambasts kicking out at anything that happened to enrage Cave, which in those days seemed to be practically everything. However, these songs were still presented in an extremely lyrical and intellectual manner and this is possibly what gave them their power and charm.

'The Mercy Seat' from the Tender Prey album is a fine example of this period in Cave's writing. It is presented as a first person account of a murderer dying on an electric chair. The best version can be heard on the Live Seeds album. As performed live, the song starts slowly with a few simple piano chords. As the current is cranked up, it builds to an apocalyptic crescendo and the protagonist, who regards himself as 'nearly wholly innocent', turns to religion as salvation for the crimes that it is implied a malevolent God suggested he perpetrate in the first place. The comparison between this violent death on a wooden chair and Jesus' peaceful occupation as a carpenter is a particularly moving juxtaposition, bringing into focus man's ability to corrupt and defile the most beautiful things - a common theme in Cave's work.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds   

Murder, he Wrote

Cave's last album to deal almost exclusively with violence and death was 1996's Murder Ballads from which the two beautiful duets 'Henry Lee' and 'Where the Wild Roses Grow' were performed with PJ Harvey and Kylie Minogue respectively. These two songs were Cave's most commercial success to date, even picking up airplay on MTV1. The selection of fellow antipodean Kylie to play the part of Elisa Day in 'Where the Wild Roses Grow' might seem an odd one. However, the singer is required to play the part of a beautiful, innocent woman of almost child-like naivety and Kylie excels in such a role. Testament to the sway that Cave holds in the music community is that he managed to get Kylie to be 'murdered in song' by singing the lines: '...the last thing I heard was a muttered word as he stood smiling above me with a rock in his fist.'

The Secret Life of the Love Song

The two most recent Nick Cave albums, The Boatman's Call and No More Shall We Part, have focused more on the love song, but that is not to say they are happy, cheery works. In his recent lecture The Secret Life of the Love Song, Cave suggests that a love song can 'never be happy' as it must always 'embrace the potential for pain'. He states that 'the Love Song is the sound of our endeavours to be God-like' and that sound is 'the noise of sorrow itself'.

The Boatman's Call, the most personal album Cave has ever written, certainly has plenty of sorrow in its 12 musically sparse tracks. The melancholy practically drips from the CD as it is placed in the player, but it's not at all depressing. Today Cave shares along with emotional 'stablemates' such as Leonard Cohen, the ability to bare the very darkest recesses of his soul and yet to still make it an uplifting experience for the listener. Tracks such as '(Are You) The One that I've Been Looking For', 'Green Eyes' and 'West Country Girl' chart the freshly discovered waters of Cave's failed romances2.

The newest album No More Shall We Part begins in much the same vein - with the simple guitar and piano of the first single 'As I Sat Sadly By Her Side' - but soon becomes more musically complex. It uses folk singer sisters Kate and Anna McGarrigle to great effect, especially during the beautiful end section of 'Hallelujia'. The album even ventures back to angrier times with songs such as 'Oh My Lord'. This song really sees the Bad Seeds let rip once more while Cave has a go at the detractors who claim that he's gone a bit 'soft' of late. The album also features gems such as 'God is in the House', a wonderful sideswipe at the sterility of small town life that takes matters to ridiculous but logical conclusions with lyrics such as: '...we have a tiny little force but we need them of course for the kittens in the trees...' and '...we've bred all our kittens white so you can see them in the night...'

This sort of ridiculous lyric is not unusual in Cave's work and especially not on this particular album. It's the lyrical cartwheels he turns with his oh-so-easy mix of sublime, mundane, ridiculous, dramatic, tragic and comic imagery that makes his music so moving.

Nick Cave has produced 11 studio albums during his time with the Bad Seeds and has written one novel, And the Ass Saw the Angel. A complete collection of his lyrics from 1978 to 2001 has just been published. More information is available at

1 Though one gets the impression that Cave himself has never been entirely comfortable with the notion of MTV.
2 The latter undoubtedly being about former Cave collaborator and lady who's no stranger to the art of melancholy herself, PJ Harvey.


Article by h2g2


hroughout his solo career, Nick Cave has belonged to the illustrious three: himself, Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen, three of the only outsider singer-songwriters to make a substantial, relatively mainstream living off of their art. True originals, Cave, Waits and Cohen create worlds of tenderness and torture, and when you put on one of their records, they own you. They create rich, deep, album-length worlds in which their skills as musicians are challenged only by their poetry and singular voices. Cave’s last album, 2001’s No More Shall We Part, put him above both Waits’ and Cohen’s recent output; a masterpiece of warmth and patience crafted by a man at the height of his creative powers. With that album -- that career highlight -- not two years old, the inconsistent, surprisingly tepid Nocturama comes as a blistering shock and heartbreaking disappointment. The illustrious three Cave seems to be running with these days is himself, Steve Earle and Bruce Springsteen, a trio of greats wasting their energy and genius on material that is completely beneath them.Earle and Springsteen can blame 9/11 for their recent duds. Cave has no such excuse.

Nocturama’s ten songs are mostly ballads, a song form Cave has a proven mastery of, and yet all but one of those ballads is wholly ineffective. The music is sparse and simple, forcing focus upon the lyrics, which, for the first time are riddled with clichés. “Wonderful Life” opens the album with a total lack of fireworks. No dynamics with which to excite, no lead instruments with which to captivate, and an unsure vocal performance that finds Cave mumbling with a total lack of confidence, a strange affliction that plagues the first few songs on the album. The music is tasteful as always, but dry. Cave’s Bad Seeds are a wonderful, well-honed band -- they can make darkness impenetrable and beauty indescribable -- but when asked to play ordinary material, that ordinariness is pounded home with every note.


Portrait of Nick Cave

       “Ordinary” is a compliment for many of these songs. “He Wants You” is safe and tired, the tale of a sailor adrift on the ocean that is as plain and predictable as the tender piano that nudges it along. “Right Out of Your Hand” is another song harmed by cliché, but its fabulous vocal harmonies and touching violin (courtesy of Dirty Three’s Warren Ellis) come close to redeeming it. “There is a Town” is the only solemn track that provides a spark, a slow, trudging tale of deflated dreams and homesickness in which longing is captured by the violin, wandering by the piano and truth by the guitar. Unfortunately, “Town” is bookended by “Still In Love” and “Rock of Gibraltar”, two very disappointing, whitewashed tales of dead love that deserve to be better. “Still In Love” begins darkly but is quickly bleached by middle of the road refrains and choruses; “Rock of Gibraltar” is a throwaway. 

Nocturama’s non-ballads don’t help the album. One is terrible, one is alright, one is fifteen minutes long. “Bring it On” is as bad as its title would suggest: AOR-ready pony-tail rock and easily one of the most bafflingly bad songs any talented artist has ever recorded. Sounding out of touch, old and polished to a garish sheen, “Bring it On” sounds like the reunion of some forgotten 70s AM radio band. “Dead Man In My Bed” is furious in comparison, but only slightly better. Keyboards blare, guitars clang and Cave delivers some great lines about ambivalence and dehydrating love, but the music, loud as it is, lacks depth and all lyrical mystery is destroyed by the smoothly harmonized “we’ve got to get it all together” refrain near the song’s end.


All that remains is “Babe I’m On Fire”, all fifteen minutes and 39 stanzas of it. Propelled by a great bassline, “Babe” is relentless, invigorated/invigorating, jittery post-punk filled with blistering guitar noise and Cave’s trademark flailing, but to play it for fifteen minutes is near ridiculous. The lyrics are incredible -- clever, all encompassing and imaginative, with a scope and grasp of rhyme that is nothing if not perfect -- but they would be just as good without the music. Take the lyrics away, however, and you’re left with some pretty meaningless, repetitive fury. More ambitious and exciting than anything else on Nocturama, “Babe” is still difficult to adore.

While not ruinously bad and not enough to destroy his legacy, Nocturama certainly calls into question Nick Cave’s future. There is flatness where once there was majesty; there is garbage where once there was gold. Until his next album is released, Cave will reside in limbo, where only he can decide which triumvirate he belongs to.

Reviewed by: Clay Jarvis
Reviewed on: 2003-09-01

All abouth Nick Cave (click!)

Nick Cave Mixtape


The Curse Of Millhaven

Album - Murder Ballads

I live in a town called Millhaven
And it's small and it's mean and it's cold
But if you come around just as the sun goes down
You can watch the whole town turn to gold
It's around about then that I used to go a-roaming
Singing La la la la La la la lie

All God's children they all gotta die
My name is Loretta but I prefer Lottie
I'm closing in on my fifteenth year
And if you think you have seen a pair of eyes more green
Then you sure didn't see them around here
My hair is yellow and I'm always a-combing
La la la la La la la lie

Mama often told me we all got to die
You must have heard about The Curse Of Millhaven
How last Christmas Bill Blake's little boy didn't come home
They found him next week in One Mile Creek
His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones
Well, just imagine all the wailing and moaning
La la la la La la la lie

Even little Billy Blake's boy, he had to die
Then Professor O'Rye from Millhaven High
Found nailed to his door his prize-winning terrier
Then next day the old fool brought little Biko to school
And we all had to watch as he buried her
His eulogy to Biko had all the tears a-flowing
La la la la La la la lie

Even God's little creatures, they have to die
Our little town fell into a state of shock
A lot of people were saying things that made little sense
Then the next thing you know the head of Handyman Joe
Was found in the fountain of the Mayor's residence
Foul play can really get a small town going
La la la la La la la lie

Even God's children all have to die
Then, in a cruel twist of fate, old Mrs Colgate
Was stabbed but the job was not complete
The last thing she said before the cops pronounced her dead
Was, 'My killer is Loretta and she lives across the street!'
Twenty cops burst through my door without even phoning
La la la la La la la lie

The young ones, the old ones, they all gotta die
Yes, it is I, Lottie. The Curse Of Millhaven
I've struck horror in the heart of this town
Like my eyes ain't green and my hair ain't yellow
It's more like the other way around
I gotta pretty little mouth underneath all the foaming
La la la la La la la lie

Sooner or later we all gotta die
Since I was no bigger than a weavil they've been saying I was evil
That if 'bad' was a boot that I'd fit it
That I'm a wicked young lady, but I've been trying hard lately
O fuck it! I'm a monster! I admit it!
It makes me so mad my blood really starts a-going
La la la la La la la lie

Mama always told me that we all gotta die
Yeah, I drowned the Blakey kid, stabbed Mrs. Colgate, I admit
Did the handyman with his circular saw in his garden shed
But I never crucified little Biko, that was two junior high school psychos
Stinky Bohoon and his friend with the pumpkin-sized head
I'll sing to the lot, now you got me going
La la la la La la la lie

All God's children have all gotta die
There were all the others, all our sisters and brothers
You assumed were accidents, best forgotten
Recall the children who broke through the ice on Lake Tahoo
Everyone assumed the 'Warning' signs had followed them to the bottom
Well, they're underneath the house where I do quite a bit of stowing
La la la la La la la lie

Even twenty little children, they had to die
And the fire of '91 that razed the Bella Vista slum
There was the biggest shit-fight this country's ever seen
Insurance companies ruined, land lords getting sued
All cause of wee girl with a can of gasoline
Those flames really roared when the wind started blowing
La la la la La la la lie

Rich man, poor man, all got to die
Well I confessed to all these crimes and they put me on trial
I was laughing when they took me away
Off to the asylum in an old black Mariah
It ain't home, but you know, it's fucking better than jail
It ain't such bad old place to have a home in
La la la la La la la lie

All God's children they all gotta die
Now I got shrinks that will not rest with their endless Rorschach tests
I keep telling them they're out to get me
They ask me if I feel remorse and I answer, 'Why of course!
There is so much more I could have done if they'd let me!'
So it's Rorschach and Prozac and everything is groovy
Singing La la la la La la la lie
All God's children they all have to die
La la la la La la la lie

I'm happy as a lark and everything is fine
Singing La la la la La la la lie
Yeah, everything is groovy and everything is fine
Singing La la la la La la la lie
All God's children they gotta die

 More Lyrics (click!)


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