Archangel Zadkiel
2005.05.23. 03:39
An meine Liebe Schwester..
Pastell chalk on paper

"Righteousness of God"
Angel of Freedom, benevelence, mercy, and the Patron Angel of all who forgive.
Belonging to the ranks of the dominations, and considered by some to be chief, Zadkiel is considered an angel of mercy. It is he who holds back the hand of Abraham to prevent the patriarch from sacrificing his son, and because of this is usually shown holding a dagger. Also, Zadkiel is one of two standard bearers (along with Zophiel) who follow directly behind Michael as the head archangel enters battle.
"Long after you are Ascended and Free, Our Words will be a text for those interested in cooperating with the Angelic Host."
" . . . It has been many ages since the Archangels have been invited into the consciousness of the people - since even Our Names were spoken - and We are grateful in the extreme to have the opportunity, not only to address your own beloved hearts and Presence, but to record in the substance and energy of your consciousness Our Activities. In this way, Our Consciousness may be a permanent record in your worlds and the ever-expanding interest of the mankind of Earth may be fed by a workable knowledge of Our Part in the Universal Scheme of things.
"It is a beautiful thing to have interest in one's service and work! Even in your outer world, you know how grateful and happy you are for interest and comradeship and cooperative service to perfect some portion of the Divine Plan, or even the human plan which is close to your hearts. How then do you think it has felt for Us Who, since the close of the Atlantean Age, have stood patiently behind the veil of maya, spun so energetically from the consciousness and feelings of mankind, until even Our Names and Our Purpose had fled entirely from the outer selves? We hoped one day that somewhere, somehow, some member of the human race might again raise the hand in friendship, raise the heart in love, and make the bridge from the human octave to the Divine through the attention to Our Worlds, and to Our humble Endeavors to serve the progress and evolution of this race! Through your interest in Us, this has been done! "
Beloved Archangel Zadkiel through the Messenger, Geraldine Innocente, January 31, 1954
